Richard Gauthier


Signed, sealed, delivered, I am yours

May 16, 2017 has arrived.  There she is in all her glory and is ours. 15 meters long by 7 wide Light by the use of carbon for the mast and structural […]


Packing was an interesting process.  It was more about reducing needs than accommodating needs.  In the end we had a couple of suitcases.  How much clothes do you really need in the […]

Health insurance required

Health Insurance required, aka “the nightmare on Elm Street”.  In the first year of our travels, we will come back to Canada from time to time and continue to be covered by […]

A few lines on the “administrivia”

A few lines on the “administrivia” required to execute on the plan.  First we quickly realized that the Schengen rule will be a bother for us.  Essentially the rule states that a […]